Sunday, May 24, 2009

Red Robin sighting

I was lucky enough to eat dinner with Suzanne last Tuesday. It was a little birthday/going away get together. Karen and Elizabeth are both moving away. Suzanne suggested Red Robin (yum!), she has great taste in eating out! She had a chicken wrap and just water. I had the california chicken burger and some fancy blueberry/pomegranate drink that cost $3.99. In my first slurp I drank up all the pomegranate juice and the rest was just like a Sprite. . .I should've just gone with the water, like Suzanne. Enough about me, and back to Suzanne, she was looking cute, as always, with her little green and yellow skirt, and her cute purse (so cute that I kind of. . .ok, totally, copied her and found one on ebay. . .but not TOTALLY copying her, mine is dark brown and hers is more of a camel yellow (see it in the picture?). Back to Suzanne again, she is a great friend to these gals. She will miss them so much. They've had some good times together. (You can check out a flash back to our Time out for Women weekend in KC back in 2007 here--but just check out the pictures, don't bother reading, it's not about Suzanne!) At dinner we chatted about houses (Karen trying to sell hers--and she did, the next day! Elizabeth packing up hers to move to Utah that weekend), and kids and food and all that good stuff. We talked about Suzanne's little Amelia, and she spoke so sweetly of her. That Amelia is one lucky little girl to have Suzanne for a Momma! I sure hope I get to stalk Suzanne again, especially at Red Robin! But without that blueberry/pomegranate drink thingy.

1 comment:

  1. You gotta stir it first! Plus, they'll totally get you a new one of those drinks if you don't like it--or they'll trade flavors! I'm a fan of the Red Robin drink experience (not the price, though!).

    Whoever took that picture cropped out Suzanne's shoes! What was she wearing?

    I'm going to have to make me a skirt just like hers!
